The success of HP Threads can be attributed to its manufacturing flexibility and versatility. Unlike other major players in this field, HP Threads follows a customer-centric approach, understanding and accepting unique requirements of each customer and producing yarns according to their specification. HP Threads also provides an option of supplying the product in the client's private labels.
With an experience of more than 25 years in developing unique products for our customers, we are equipped to completely understand and service your needs with perfection. Which is why, HP Threads is regarded as one of the most customer-friendly yarns in the world!
HP Threads offers an entire range of products like knitting yarns, embroidery and lace threads, patchwork and quilting threads, and sewing threads for a wide range of domestic and industrial applications.
These products come in a wide range of compositions, yarn thicknesses, strengths, sizes, shapes, twists, make-up, and packaging, not to mention a vast palette of beautiful colors. Known for their versatility and high-quality, these products become the perfect raw material in the hands of fabric artists, knitting enthusiasts and industrial manufacturers, to create a whole new range of interesting products. Whether one's passion is sewing, quilting, crochet, knitting, needlework or crafts, HP Threads has the right product to showcase one's creativity.
Crocheta Crochet Threads
Peecock Hand Knitting Yarn
Embroidery Threads
Lace Threads
Patchwork & Quiliting Threads
Kite Flying Threads
Cotton Sewing Threads